About Us

Hello, I’m Shamez, born and raised in Toronto, Canada, I’m the Managing Director and Founder of EasyWebOS. I thought I’d share with you my journey over the past 10 years when it comes to outsourcing.


If you are already outsourcing (locally or internationally), what I’m about to say will help your company grow by reducing your costs without sacrificing your brand and reputation with your clients.





As you know, onlining what is offline has become the norm in every market without exception, no doubt.  And as you’ve probably noticed (maybe the hard way), building professionally and efficiently for the web is far from easy nor cheap.

Hence my idea to create an OutSourcing company back in 2010 after reading an article in the NY Times about how North America would not be able to generate enough development talent in the direction technology was headed by 2021, which ultimately would result in high costs of people. It also happened to be the year I visited South East Asia for the first time and the idea was born. Having built and understanding the agency space prior to my move my thought was to focus on that niche, not to mention having contacts from Toronto whom I’d already worked with.

To be honest with you, my idea looked bright right from the beginning…. 


...Till I faced the reality of setting up shop in a completely foreign land. The troubles you may have already experienced while attempting to outsource are not new. Any of these sound familiar:

  • Code not up to par
  • Broken promises of delivery
  • Lack or no communication, sometimes a disappearing act
  • I’m sorry I can’t understand, what did you say?
  • What’d you mean it looks close but it doesn’t match the design

I’m sure you may have more to add to this list.  However my focus and it’s taken time to do so, was to build a company where it would feel no different than one with an office somewhere on Young St.

I know we’re not the only ones as the outsourcing market has also changed starting with the fact that more companies are open to doing so. Not to mention the sheer numbers of companies all over the world from South America, Eastern Europe and of course others in Asia providing outsourced development.   

So we too have adapted:

  • We no longer just say yes to anything or anyone that comes to us. 
  • We no longer compete based on price however are very competitive knowing the landscape having been around for some time.
  • We work towards filling up our capacity in advance and are able to do so as most agencies have an idea of what is coming down the pipe.
  • We have a close knit of local dev teams we’ve been working with for years that help us scale when and if ness.  So they’ve been vetted, can be trusted and everything still goes through our internal QA.

I hope this helps you understand a bit more about EasyWebOS and I welcome our future conversation so I too can learn more about your business.